Use this product with caution. Use in well-ventilated spaces. Never leave lit incense, candles or other fire-related products unattended. Artemesia Negra and its affiliates are not liable for the misuse of the products advertised on this website. No refunds.
A LOVE SUPREME is a powerfully luscious scent made from mugwort, rose petals and patchouli with hints of organic ylang-ylang essential oil. Great for ancestor appreciation altar work and body smudging for protection. Gently and sweetly entices the endearment of others when in public space. A LOVE SUPREME lingers in the air a while after the powder has burned, leaving a beautiful loving energy in the space. It is self-igniting, there is no need for a charcoal disk. Available in half ounce and 1 ounce sizes. Use all flammable products with attention and intention.